content type
Ebook (Interactive)
Illustrator, After Effects, Audition, PubCoder
I developed this fun interactive storybook using some incredible emoji illustrations that had been created by the Sesame art department. There's a great mix of features in this ebook, including read-along narration, animated faces (with a super light footprint, thanks lottie!), a prompted drawing activity, and an emotion identification mini game.
Why is Cookie Monster feeling worried? What makes Abby feel proud? Who sings when he feels joyful? Identifying and labeling the emotions of their feathered and furry friends can help children learn to express their own feelings—and be more empathetic to the feelings of others. This interactive story features touchable faces, read along text, questions for deeper engagement, and a coloring activity to encourage exploring emotions.
Elmo's Emoji's: A Book of Faces and Feelings
All images and art content Copyright by Sesame Workshop.